Thursday, November 02, 2006

Drunken Halloween 2006! Party 1

Mrs. carrotpenis and I went to a total of three Halloween parties on Saturday night. The first party we went to wasn't actually a Halloween party; it was a 40th birthday party for one of my friends. Who the hell has a non dress up party the weekend before Halloween, I'll never know. In typical carrotpenis style though, we went dressed up anyway. Who wants to miss any party/drinking time by getting changed midstream. To offset this though we purposely stood right by the front door to fuck with people coming in and make them think they were supposed to dress up. That was good fun.

Here's a picture of Mrs. carrotpenis from before we went out. She's a beautiful zombie cheerleader, isnt she? Save the cheerleader, save the world....

Drunken Halloween 2006: Party 2

The second party we went to was at our friend, Johnnie B's. He built this fantastic haunted house in the garage. While not as scary as last year's, it was impressive. Recently divorced, Johnnie dressed up as The Bachelor complete with roses for the girls. Hilarious! I still think the divorce lawyer or kissing cousins costumes would have been better though.

As I went through our pictures I noticed that most were fairly tame from this little stop. There was one of Mr. Fun dressed as a maturbator, complete with dark sunglasses and hairy palms. But I will spare you from that. Instead, here are some celebrities that showed up...One member of the Blue Man Goup, there were actually 4 people from the same family dressed up as Blue Men, but this one was by far the best. And K-Fed, complete with gold teeth grill which caused the wearer to have a speech impediment when he talked or perhaps that was the 20 or so Coronas that K-Fed had to drink.

Drunken Halloween 2006- Party 3, Part 1

Oh my gosh, where do I start....Party #3 was absolutely over the top. We purposely planned to go to this party last because it was right next door to our house and merely a stumble across the lawn and up the stairs. For this one you were told to either dress up as Goth or Night of the Living Dead. Well people went absolutely all out with their costumes as you can see from these pictures.

The first picture here is of the host and hostess. They made and force fed approximately 300 jello shots to their semi-willing participants. Well then things started to turn ugly. The misses and I left around 1:45am. Word on The Circle is that things kept raging until about 5:30am.

Drunken Halloween 2006- Party 3, Part 2

For a couple days, Nascar Girl, in the black costume has been asking Mrs. carrotpenis when her picture might show up on the internet. Well here it is and if you're good there might be a another one a little farther down. Here's a good example of how awesome the costumes were and how good looking the people in our neighborhood are.

Drunken Halloween 2006- Party 3, Part 3

Did I forget to mention the Fat Bastard was there? He was dressed up as Mr. Incredible. Here he is busting a move. Mrs. Fat Bastard was partner in crime as Mrs. Incredible. You can sort of see her off to the left. I honestly hope that no children got got see the Fat Bastard's portrayal of Mr. Incredible, because I am guessing there would be some therapy bills involved afterwards.

Probably the funniest part of the evening was when Mr. Incredible squeezed his fat ass underneath the semi closed garage door to make his entrance into the party.

One other tidbit worth mentioning from this photo is Mr. Jones who can be seen in the back ground. He was dressed as a box of wine from Swallowing Hills Winery with the wine spout right between his legs. I am betting he tried to get Mrs. Jones to drink right from his spout.

Drunken Halloween 2006- Party 3, Part 4

One of our neighbors who will now be know as the Naughty Spider (for obivious reasons) can be seen here flogging Mrs. Incredible aka Mrs. Fat Bastard. Did I mention that I think that jello shots are awesome!

Drunken Halloween 2006- Party 3, Part 5

If I haven't mentioned this previously, I have the best wife ever. Who else's wife is nice enough to kiss the neighbor wives and then let you post photos of it on the internet. Well I'm not sure that I actually asked permission to do it, but like most things that I do I'm sure she'll be cool with it.

In picture one here her and Mrs. Cowboy are in a very nice lip lock. I may use this one for our Christmas card this year. And in picture number two, it's her and Nascar Girl. Remember Nascar, if you are going to have a picture posted on the internet, it might as well be a good one.