Thursday, February 17, 2005

The Freak Show Continues

I am guessing that this Metra Freak Show thing is going to end up being a regular entry for the site. It's just a bevy of material.

Yesterday's ride home was quite a treat. Dog Girl and the person I will from now on refer to as Kermit had a heated discussion about where the best place to buy meat is. I'm not kidding. This utter nonsense went on for like 20 minutes. Kermit is a semi-regular character on the train. He's one of those people that are as dumb as a block of wood, yet have somehow deluded themselves into thinking they're a brain surgeon. Listening to anything that comes out of his mouth is pure drudgery and unfortunately a great deal comes out of his mouth. On top of it all, he talks with a loud annoying voice similiar to Kermit the Frog's hence the nickname. I know you're wondering...Antioch Meat Packing was crowned the winner. At least Kermit certainly rang its praises. Note: Dog Girl did manage to get in at least 3 references of her furry friends during the conversation.

Then Dog Girl left (usually a good thing) and the conversation really got going. Kermit started talking to New Hot Girl and Big Italian Guy. New Hot Girl is a recent addition to the train. And while somewhat good looking, I am finding out also very stupid. Anyway, Big Italian guy (longtime character on the train) is apparently dating a stripper. And New Hot Girl supposedly worked as a bartender at a strip club. I wanted to tell her that spinning around a pole with a beer bottle stuck between your tits is not technically bartending, but chose to remain silent on that one. Anyway, for 10 minutes they debated the merits of working in a strip club and about how wonderful it is to take your clothes off for a living. Unfortunately, my stop came and I had to leave. I was hoping that New Hot Girl would show us all some of her bartending skills.

Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to mention. All during this time, Kermit has a bag of potato chips, Ruffles I think, that he is allowing random people (some obviously total strangers) to reach into and eat out of. I think I read that one in four people doesn't wash their hands when they go to the bathroom. There were like a dozen people with their hands in that bag. You do the math. I'm sorry, I'm all for the closeness of public transportation, but I have to draw the line at the hand sharing of food with my fellow passengers.

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