Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I Hate Weiner Dogs!

Today, while attempting to defend my blogging honor on Battle of the Blogs on Blog Explosion, I was defeated by a blog whose primary thematic element was pictures of weiner dogs. Fucking weiner dogs! No witty commentary, no fun commuter stories, just pictures of long skinny brown weiner dogs. What in the hell is this world coming to. Now I know that I don't have a fancy skin like some people, but there's some good shit here from time to time. What are you people thinking? The only thing that I can think of is, there's a puppy and kitten loving faction of bloggers out there trying to dominate the Battle scene. There's simply just no other reason for it. Unless, I just plain suck. I feel like Mike Tyson after Saturday's bout. I am officially going into Battle of the Blog retirement.


Chandira said...

Ahh.. NO wonder you left the puppy comment..

Weiner dogs are my totem. No bears, no cougars, no wolves, just weiner dogs.

Red Mum said...

I tried to enter battle of the blogs, feeling a little brave, only despite surfing all afternoon, I havent kept enought credits to even do the minimum 10 credit bet. So after winning 10 credits I immediately tried to do it again and didnt have enough credits. Each time I popped in the weiner doggy was there. How on earth are people getting the credits. Am I missing something? ARrrgrghhhh. Think I am going to stay away from it now.


Anonymous said...

uh... whinemuch? it's just a game man.

carrotpenis said...

Fully aware of the game aspect, Mitchy. Just trying to poke fun with some sarcasm about a funny situation.