Well enough ranting. Since it's been a good bit, about 31 days, since I did a post, I think a random highlights list is in order to get everyone up to speed with the idiocy that surrounds my life.
- Our parent company has decided to move their headquarters across the street from our building. And guess who has to bow down and kiss their feet on a regular basis while providing them office services. Well, it's acutally not me. It is, however, the people that work for me and I have to listen them bitch about it on a regular basis. I also have to listen to the Mother Ship Prima Donnas bitch when the feet kissing isn't done like it was at their old office. I'll singlehandedly pack up the trucks and move them back if they'll just leave me alone.
- Asshole Lawyer has moved onto greener pastures. Right before the holidays, he got a job offer to be the Supreme Asshole Lawyer for a Major League Baseball Team. Since he's a gigantic pussy and couldn't handle the work here, he put in his two week's notice and rode off into the sunset. Awesome opportunity for him, but already the office just isn't as fun. Who will I go and make fun of people with at OCB? I tried it with Old Boy Friday last week, but it just wasn't the same. Asshole, if you are reading, the Mah Jong ladies were asking about you. Something about they way you danced at their holiday party; I wasn't sure what to make of that one.
- My other friend, Squig, is also leaving town. Apparently, the couple hundred thousand gay guys in Chicago weren't enough for him. He's taking his one man penis lovin road show to New York. All the best to him. New York, you better watch out. Squig, remember to leave the U-Haul at home when you go out on that second date. And don't turn into a cynical bitch like the rest of the people where you are going to work.
- The better half and I have decided upgrade the family trailer and get ourselves a double-wide. Tentative move date is sometime this Spring. We are now in the process of painting the current family homestead in order to make it more enticing for the sucker that purchases it. It boggles my mind that it was perfectly fine that the mud room wasn't painted for ten years. Now that we are going to sell the bitch, I have to cram my fat ass behind the furnace for some idiots I don't even know. And to think I just ran cable to the garage, that completely sucks as well. I am sure this little real estate venture will provide a bevy of bloggable material so I will keep you posted.
- The work suggestion box has been a hot bed of stupidity lately. Really inane suggestions of late include, a ban on popcorn making in the office and forcing sick employees to wear surgical masks while at work. For some, there clearly isn't enough work being given to them. Idle hands....well you know how it goes.
- Won $80 playing Texas Holdem two weeks ago, yeah for me. As The Wife can attest, I suck at literally every other card game on Earth, but for some reason I tend to be very lucky at Texas Holdem. Of the 10 times over the last year that I played, I've only lost money once. All the other times, I either broke even or more often came home with some winnings.
- This morning, I got stuck behind what quite possibly may be the 5 stupidest people in Lake County trying to buy a train ticket at the Round Lake Metra Station. Hey jackasses, write the check out before you get in line. I ended up missing the train I wanted to take because of it and had to sit in the dingy station for 20 minutes waiting for the next one. The only upside was that their were two hot girls to brighten the scenery. I may jump the train in Round Lake a little more often.
Well, it's now 9:55 a.m. and I still haven't done a lick of work yet today. Back to the grind. I'm going to make an honest effort to post more often though. This was pleasantly relaxing for me.
P.S. Happy belated birthday to the Drunken Master. Hope you post some pics from your birthday bash.