Thursday, March 23, 2006

Random Fun & Excitement!

Here's just a random sampling of the fun and excitement otherwise known as my like...

  • First off, to the fucking idiot with the Illinois license plate that reads RN A TAB, here's my middle finger to you. Maybe your license plate should read DRVNG STOOPID. When you see an accident up ahead and people merging, get your damn ass over; don't stay in the left lane until the last possible moment and then cut in your like your all pissed off that the people who have been waiting patiently didn't accomodate your sorry ass. Well I digress.
  • Was berated like a child by a member of management because in a rage they fucked something up and I wasn't able to call in a favor and fix it. That was fun let me tell you. And after the fact, I'm kinda glad I couldn't fix it after all.
  • Had a little cocktail party on the train yesterday with The Mick and our new "train friend" Big D. If you haven't tried Jim Beam Black, I highly suggest it. Big D is one of those people who is kind of heavy but looks like they have a skinny person trapped inside of them. I also think he may be having a cocktail party at work starting just after lunch as he always reeks of liquor and cigarettes.
  • Found out that "I" (another train friend)'s company is thinking of going to jeans five days a week. For a moment, I actually thought of calling their switchboard to complain about it so she'd have to keep wearing short skirts to work. She has legs that most women would kill for. And hopefully in the next 90 days or so, it's going to warm up here in Chicago.
  • Just realized I can't wait for it to warm up so that the standard attire of long pants, turtle necks and parkas can be put in moth balls and replaced with belly shirts, skirts with no stockings and tanned skin. Not just on "I" but on the masses in general. Mick, you can leave your belly shirt at home.
  • Am up to my ears in trying to sell our house. I just cannot believe the crap you have to do to sell your humble abode. If our shitty carpet was good enough for us for 10 years, why the hell do I have to put new in for people I don't even know. If you know of anyone looking for a place in the northern burbs, let me know and I will send them a link to our listing.

Well I better run, "The Man" has a little more blood to suck from me before the end of the day. I am taking the day off tomorrow to watch the Union Labor put the carpeting down. Everyone have a safe and happy weekend!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Where Did All the Time Go?

Holy crap! I just realized that I did my first post on the Chronicles, February 14, 2005 and I have been posting to this little trainwreck for over a year. Today is just over 1 year and one month in fact. Over the past year and 33 days, I have done 212 posts, 213 if you count this one. That breaks down to 1.8685 posts per day. Not too shabby, considering how infrequent they have been as of late. I also thought this was a good time to look at the old Stat Counter to see where we stand after the first year. Well here goes...Over the last 398 days, I had over 22,000 pages loads, over 15,000 unique visitors, 11,ooo first time visitors, and 4200 returning visitors. Not sure what that means, but at least somebody is reading this piece of shit.

Thanks to all of you who have been reading on a regular basis and even checking back during my work imposed semi-hiatus. A special thanks to those of you who either commented or provided fodder for me to write about including but certainly not limited to those that follow:
  • Rooster & Mick- You realize that when the level of our regular train rides and lunches dropped so did the quality of my writing. Let's work on that.
  • Drunken Master and Melina- Thanks for the comments. I would have a drink with either of you anytime. Nice pigtails by the way; not you Master.
  • To My Life is God's Comic Strip- Thanks for all the visitors! Remember, all men are jackasses; there is simply no way of getting around it. You just need to find one that looks good and doesn't piss you off too much.
  • Cowboy and Fresh- That for the content, let's keep that up. Fresh, I have bottle of Barcardi. I am sure you can make that into something worth writing.
  • Fat Bastard, Paper Lady, and Harvard- Thanks for always reading. Leave some comments once in a while.

If I missed anyone I apologize. Oh yeah, last but certainly not least, thanks to my wife for refusing to read the blog. Your probably better off anyway. Well here's to another year. Happy St. Patrick's day. Be sure to have an Irish%

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"Work is the Curse of the Drinking Class!" - Anonymous

Found my blog post title while checking out MySpace and thought it pretty much sums up things for me today. I don't know who to attribute the quote to but it's certainly plagarized from some brillant mind.

I've also determined over the past few days that there are some really fucked up people on MySpace. There are also a ton of extremely hot lesbians that want nothing to do with men on there as well. Which there's definitely nothing wrong with except for the fact that I suspect that they are just porn stars trying to get guys to go to the websites. But I digress?

I've decided that a little fun side item of the blog would be to post myspace profiles that caught my fancy for one reason or another so that you could check them out. Well, this Biotch as she calls herself not only appears a bit fucked up, but she's also fairly hot in a bleach blond fake boobs sort of way. Again not that there's anything wrong with that. My myspace recommendation of the day is ForBiddeN. If you have any good ones that you've discovered and you think are worth posting, shoot their link my way.

On a final note, my office looks directly out over the front circle drive way at our building so I can see people coming and going all day. Well I just looked out the window and what is sitting there but a Mac Daddy stretch Ford Excursion limousine. You know like the ones you see for a bachelorette party or picking up horny Navy guys at the Gurnee Mills mall. Not only that but a whole bunch of foreign visitors, who were the ones riding in it, were taking pictures of it with their camera phones. We just hit a whole new level of class here at mothership.