Friday, September 30, 2005

Random Highlights

These are some random highlights from the week at hand...
  • Was forced to go out for dinner and drinks on a vendor boondoggle to the Palm restaurant in Northbrook. Highly recommend it if you are in that area. Ate a filet mignon almost as big as my head. I love when the vendor pays. Highlight of the evening was when one of the vendor employees had slightly too much to drink and was hitting on Boy Friday, who was there as well. Unfortunately, Boy Friday was able to resist her advances.
  • Next day, though no hangover was evident, I had horrible breath from drinking the night before. I brushed my teeth twice and it still didn't help. It caused two separate groups to move away from me on the train. I hate it when that happens; where's a tic tac when you need one.
  • Sent out invitations for Pimp and Ho costume ball that I am having for The Wife's birthday. I can't believe that I've swindled her into letting me do this one. I'm looking for some Pimp and Ho activities for during the party. If anyone has any suggestion from past experiences they'd be greatly appreciated.
  • The recent cold snap has already caused the commuting women to start wearing slacks, leggings, and sweater. The girl with the great body, I, was wearing a skirt, heavy tights and a jean shirt. What a crying shame.
  • As I sat in my car at the train station drinking coffee this morning, I saw this jackass do a mad sprint through the parking lot to the parking machine only to have the train that was coming through be an eariler express train. He even did this spectacular leap over the curb to make it on time. Much to my pleasure, he was about 10 minutes early for his actual train. He did this look around thing to make sure no one noticed. Ha! I did. That made my whole morning.

Everyone have a safe and happy weekend!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

A Perfect Day!

carrotpenis truckster Posted by Picasa

Saturday ended up being one of the best days of college football for me ever. I was surrounded by good friends. We drank heavily. Nothing like 50 ml's of Jim Beam poured into tall Sprites at the stadium. We met new people. Wern, we had a fabulous time. And then to top it off, the Lions pulled off a last second victory to kick dirt in the faces of the fair weather Northwestern fans. I still can't believe I was there to see it. The picture above is the start of our day and the rest below chronicle the debauchery.

Let's Go State!


Pregame Posted by Picasa

Before the game we did some tailgating. Our first stop was at Real Estate Guy's house for some bloodies. Thanks for being such a gracious host. And sorry, you had to play Cornhole with Fresh.

The Evil Twins

Evil Twins! Posted by Picasa

The Evil Twins made a late tailgate appearance and were then peer pressured into coming to the game with us! Evil Twin #2 is was great seeing you even in lieu of the gray hair comment.

Stupid Wildcats!

Stupid Wildcats! Posted by Picasa

Fresh demonstrates what it feels like to be a true Wildcat fan. Get your ass back to the dorm so you can win that Nobel prize is Economics.


Fallen Posted by Picasa

Fresh takes a tumble. I'm sure that half bottle of Bacardi had nothing to do with it. His wife would be so proud. Picture Lady, this one's for you.

My Love!

My Love! Posted by Picasa

Mrs. carrotpenis, the love of my life, show off some of her best cheerleading moves. The fact that she probably knows more about football than I do and is willing to put up with my drunken nonsense at college football games makes me love her even more.

A Moment of Sanity

Fresh Posted by Picasa

I think this was the only time during the entire fucking day that Fresh appeared lucid and sober. Every other second he was acting like a complete jackass. Well that's what makes him fun.

Rachel Dratch loves the Lions!

Rachel Dratch Posted by Picasa

This chick behind us looked just like Rachel Dratch from SNL and was just as annoying. Throughout the game she yelled out the players name in first person like she was friends with him. If she was, do you think she'd have to hang around with this mope.


Wedgie Posted by Picasa

Fresh gets a wedgie from a Northwestern fan after they score against the Lions!

We Want the Lion! Posted by Picasa

Hot Cheerleader

Hot Cheerleader Posted by Picasa

Nothing like college football without a hot cheerleader. Go Lions!

Fresh Celebrates!

Fresh Celebrates Posted by Picasa

Fresh celebrates after the Lions big score.

Proof Positive

Proof Positive Posted by Picasa

In case any of you are in doubt, here's the proof. You'll notice that the Northwestern student section is remarkably empty and that half the people there are wearing Penn State jerseys. Fucking fair weather fans; they suck!

Nice Face Paint!

Loser Posted by Picasa

We saw this jackass in the parking lot after the game. I'm sure he was glad his got himself all gussied up after we whipped his team's ass. Ha!

The Host with the Most!

Wern of Wernfest Posted by Picasa

This is a picture of our gracious host, Wern of Wernfest, who allowed us to come to his house no questions asked to attend his tailgate. The keg of Rolling Rock was a really nice touch too. Made me wish I was at the Skellar. Thanks Wern!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Let's Go State!

Making regular posts has really gotten to be a challenge lately. While I don't mind being so busy, I do like to take some time to vent here. This is another random update of things I've been up to lately and other random observations...
  • Rooster told us a hilarious story about how a blind guy got caught up in the shoulder strap of her bag while riding on the train. Rather than remaining calm, he was flailing about and screaming bloody murder as she tried to free him. That doesn't seem so funny now that I am writing it but I was literally crying when she told us. Note: If you are blind and riding on public transportation, lighten up not everyone is out to get you. Note to self: May need to start thinking about some sensitivity training.
  • Last Friday, as part of the 5th grade music curriculum, The Girl received her first musical instrument, a Recorder (you know like the Pied Piper played to woo the rats in the fairy tale.). She impressed us with a lovely rendition of Hot Cross Buns.
  • Bobby regaled us with tales from his bachelor party trip to Vegas. One funny one was about how he got up in the middle of a Sports Book during the Notre Dame/Michigan Game and screamed about a great play that turned out to be a replay from the prior week's game. Apparently, the Michigan fans were extremely impressed with his show of enthusiasm.
  • On Saturday, I nearly tore The Recorder (annoying piece of shit) out of The Girl's hand threw it out of the car window after hearing Hot Cross Buns for the 75th time on a road trip. She better learn a new song quick.
  • Realized I have a weird hatred towards people who wear those giant fit over the glasses sunshields. They annoy the shit out of me just like the sight of Celine Dion does.
  • Saw absolutely annoying guy wearing above described sunshields on the train. To top it off, he was drinking this giant keg mug which after a quick Google search it turn out is called a "Bubba Keg". I'd like to know why anyone would need a 52oz recepticle to drink out of for their own personal use.

This weekend we are making our annual pilgrimage to an away Penn State foot ball game. While getting back to State College usually isn't possible for us; every year, the Nittany Lions normally end up playing at least once within a three hour drive from here. So, we typically get to one away game a year. This time we are going to Evanston to hopefully see the Lions put some whoopass on the Northwestern Kittycats. Prior to the game there will also be the customary tailgate imbibing. I am hope to have some pictures from the festivities to post next week.

Let's Go State!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Work Continues to Suck...

Well here's some random drivel from the past few days or so....
  • Work does continue to suck. No Boy Friday week three and people are getting used to calling me for stupid shit again. Best request of the week thus far is that I had to have dead bird removed from CEO's balcony. Thank God, there are people to do that and I didn't have to fling a dead bird's body off the balcony into the parking lot.
  • Had someone suggest in the Suggestion Box that we put Oust sanitizer in the bathrooms. Listen folks, we already have industrial deodorizers in all the bathrooms. So, there's no fucking way a blast from that little aerosol can is going to cover up that gigantic Taco Bell shit you just took in the ladies room, sorry.
  • Saw a female giant on the train yesterday; I'm not kidding either. What would you call one anyway, a giantess? This women was fucking gigunda. Sitting on the second step to the upper level of the train she was still taller than me. No short comments you assholes either. I think she wanted to grind up my bones and eat them in soup.
  • Asshole Lawyer and I went to the Indy car race at Chicago Motor Speedway in Joliet, IL. It was much better than I expected. Free drinks in the hospitality tent were key. Vox Raspberry and Sprite, yum. There could have been more of a redneck factor though. I'm definitely going to try a Nascar race next time. And I definitely have to bring my camera. Leaving the parking lot we saw these two jackoffs in a bright yellow Maserati. To make their penises even smaller, they were wearing matching Maserati hats. Losers.
  • Lately, when I see two men together, I've been trying to figure out whether or not they are gay. I've realized that I've been totally oblivious to this in the past and there are tons of gay couples everywhere. Well I just realized that when Asshole Lawyer and I are together, there initial impression might be that we are gay. A co-workers mom thought we were at the race. Well I guess at least that I'm good looking enough for a hot shot lawyer like Asshole.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Well Here Goes...A Contest!

Life continues to be crazy for me at both work and home. Until things calm down a bit, you are going to have to deal with these random bullet point lists...

  • This is my first full week without "Boy Friday". I have quickly learned two things. One, Boy Friday's job sucks. And two, I need to hire someone really fucking fast before I start pulling all of my gray hair out.
  • Wife's grandfather (Grandpa) of 91 is in town from Staten Island with his 80 year old Hussy Girlfriend, Pearl. Hussy Girlfriend only knows about three conversations. 1. How big her son's house is in Florida? 2. What a successful builder her son in FL is? 3. How beautiful her grandchildren are at their successful father's house in FL. Surprisingly, Hussy Girlfriend, whose a classic Jewish mother by the way, never ever mentions son's wife who is obviously in the picture. It may have something to do with them now being Seventh Day Adventists. The only good point of the whole thing is that you get to plan smartass responses before she even talks because she will inevitably hit on at least two of these subjects in a five minute conversation.
  • Came outside at the inlaws house on Saturday and Grandpa was sitting in a lawn chair wearing tight shorts and a wife beater t-shirt. I almost gouged out my eyes.
  • Was asked by third person in same day to get artwork for new hires' offices. Because obviously, I only have a list of 500 things to do and artwork is right on top of my business critical items. I am sure those people in New Orleans can wait an extra half day for me to get them their checks so that the people at HQ can have some knock off posters in their offices. Nearly did a performance art rendition of "Man Stomping on Co-Workers Face". Boy that would have felt really good. Note: Artwork is not delaying checks to the people in New Orleans; I was exaggerating a bit. I don't want Oprah crawling up my ass like she's doing to everyone else.
  • Saw that yet another person put a suggestion in the Company Suggestion Box about people wearing capri pants which are in direct violation of the company casual dress policy. I think this is the fifth. I work with some real fucking idiots let me tell you. But this wasn't so much a suggestion as a personal attack on those who are violating the casual dress code policy and wearing Capri pants. My next suggestion box entry is going to be...To the pussies who are too afraid to confront people face to face and instead use the suggestion box as a sounding board for their personal pet peeves, please feel free to meet me in the lobby today at twelve noon for an open air discussion. You will be able to find me because I will be holding a baseball bat.
  • Went to lunch at OCB with Asshole Lawyer and told him Grandpa and Hussy Girlfriend story. He then proceeds to ask me if I've heard them having sex. I was immediately nauseated by mental image and almost threw up my taco salad on nearby blue haired mah jong players.
  • Tonight, we went out to dinner with Grandpa and Hussy Girlfriend. Hussy Girlfriend returned her salad because the waiter spilled the dressing onto the salad when bringing the plates over. Then when waiter brought back a new salad, Hussy Girlfriend proceeded to dump the same exact salad dressing all over the salad right in front of the waiter. Classic.
  • Summer Hours ended last week and we are now back to working full day Fridays. This Friday will seem like easily the longest day of the year. If anyone is interested, we'll be having bourbons on the rocks, I'm thinking Jim Beam Black may be nice, in my office starting at about 3:30pm.

Okay, since I had minimal response to my hump day sex question of last week, we'll try something different this week. If you been reading for awhile, you know that idiotic suggestions to my company's suggestion box have been the lead topic on more than a few posts. If not look through the archives, there's some good shit there. Anyway, for the next week or so, I will accept potential suggestion box entries from you for me to put into my company's suggestion box. The best one wins and I will actually put it into the box and then put the response into a subsequent post if and when it is answered. Tell you what, I'll even throw in a small prize to the winner. I am sure that the Mick can find something in his prize vault that I can send to you. That is if he's not too busy playing phone bitch. The Mick will keep me honest on this one too. One disclaimer though, I enjoy working for the company that I do and question the actual anonymity of the suggestion box entries. So, while I am happy to laugh at inappropriate suggestions, they may not make the cut, but feel free to be creative. If this goes well, I may make this a monthly gig.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm a BlogExplosion Slut Again!

That's right it's September 1st, I just got to work and bam I logged into BlogExplosion. Well that didn't take very long did it. I have to admit that I really didn't miss it that much though. Well here are the rough results of my not actively whoring for readers during the entire month of August...
  • I received 1481 page loads with no help from Blog Explosion.
  • During that time, there were 958 unique visitors to the Chronicles.
  • Of those, 582 were first time visitors.
  • The productivity of my department at work increased 26.8%.
  • My TV viewing increased by 32% and I am now hooked on watching two new shows, Over There on FX and Lost on ABC.
  • My wife and kids found that the added time with me was twice as annoying.

Overall, I have to say the little experiment was a good experience. Special thanks to those of you who are driving traffic to my blog by linking from yours. Also, for those of you getting to my site by searching for "little boy penises", you are sick fuckers. Knock it off! Or soon you'll be some guy named Bubba's bitch wishing you'd never thought about another penis again.