Thursday, May 18, 2006
All is Now Right with the World
Well probably not, but I know that it's a better place now that America voted and that ugly Goat Boy looking, Elliot Yamin is headed back from whence he came, hopefully never to be seen again. I am sure he has huge potential on the cartoon voice over circuit, but I just can't stand to look at him.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Stupid License Plate O' the Day
I SU U 2 - fucking lawyers!
Sent from my crackberry wireless while driving to work.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
I Am the Pot!!!
I guess it's time to do another post. I was just about to mock the Rooster for not posting on a regular basis and low and behold I noticed that I was the proverbial Pot calling the Kettle black. It's been easily a week since my last little ditty so here goes...
- First a giant congrats to my loyal reader Evil Twin 1 and her hubby Heavy D. They just brought home their adorable bouncing baby boy, Antonio, from Guatemala. Their adoption saga was one for the record books but, finally things are all good. Yeah! Evil Twin. I bet you are almost back to your prebaby shape already. Also, I find it strange that the baby looks just like Squiggers. Conincidence, I wonder?
- America, WTF is going on with American Idol. Goat Boy remains and Chris leaves. I don't know that I can watch any longer. Kat, if you want to remain, you might want to pull out a sluttier outfit this week. That potato sack you wore for the first song isn't going to get you any extra votes.
- Sports Bra girl is on a three day stint at the gym. I love when Sports Bra Girl is there; it makes working out all the more fun. Sport Bra Girl as you can probably guess is the very pretty woman with great breasts who wears a sport bra when she works out at the gym. She is also nice enough to work out on the the elliptical trainer so there's a lot of up and down action going on. While she has a little bit of junk in trunk, she has a nice face and great upper body. I've also noticed that the sports bra she's wearing has been getting smaller and smaller each day this week. I am going tomorrow just to see if she's working out in pasties.
- It took me an unbelievable 105 minutes to get to work today and I only live 25 miles from the office. That averages out to like 14 mph. The speed limit on my street is the lowest of my entire trip and that is 25 mph. I simply cannot understand why the moment it rains in Chicago everyone turns retarded and can't drive. Now I can understand this happening when it snows because you have expats from the south and elsewhere that have relocated here and don't have a fucking clue what a snowflake looks like. But come on people it's rain, it rains everywhere, you must have driven in it before. Put your foot on the gas and go.
- The Rooster, Mick and I went to lunch at our newly reopened Zippy's this week. Rooster ogled some maintenance workers from UL while the Mick and I ogled the North Shore MILFs that were there with their ghastly little Polo clad children. Rooster is in Vegas this weekend and has promised us pictures from the topless pool at the Stratosphere. Personally, I am not going to hold my breath. If anyone is going to be there, be sure to look for her; she'll be the one with big lips and big breasts. Remember Rooster, whatever happens in Vegas, comes back and becomes a hilarious story for happy hour on the train. And I want a picture of the porn star.
- Tomorrow I am blowing off work to go down to the Cubs Game on a vendor boondoggle. Free Beer, Free Ride, and Skybox to boot. As long as we don't get rained out, things should be all good. My plan is go get some pictures to post on the blog. Stay tuned for those. Here's one from last years event!
Well I've got a report to get done before I leave today, so I gotta run. Hey, if you are reading, leave me a comment and let me know who's out there. Peace out!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Live from the Metra...
I was getting off at my usual stop this morning when I noticed a women sitting down with her birth control pills out of her purse. I thought this was a bit odd. She then proceeds to punch one of holder and dry shoot it into her mouth. I guess if you take the train every day it's a way to remember, but so is when you brush your teeth. I then come to realize that it is a woman I with. I then further begin to realize that she's not a person I ever wanted to imagine naked or worse yet, having sex. I'm glad I didn't eat anything for breakfast today.
Ladies or Guys for that matter, what do you think? Is a commuter train an appropriate place to take your birth control pills? I guess it really isn't that big of a deal in the scheme of things. I mean it's not like she was inserting a Today Sponge or anything. Maybe she was just advertising to the available men on the train her birth control status to lure someone in. Is that something women actually do?
Ladies or Guys for that matter, what do you think? Is a commuter train an appropriate place to take your birth control pills? I guess it really isn't that big of a deal in the scheme of things. I mean it's not like she was inserting a Today Sponge or anything. Maybe she was just advertising to the available men on the train her birth control status to lure someone in. Is that something women actually do?
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Random Thought on American Idol
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