Last night I went with Cowboy, Mr. Fun and Johnnie B to watch MNF at Buffalo Wild Wings in Round Lake.
Wouldn't you know it, there was a fucking tornado warning while they were there. A tornado warning for those of you lucky enough to not know means that a funnel cloud has been sighted and there is the distinct possibility of having your roof ripped off.
Well as soon as the warning was sounded the nice folks at BWW went around and pulled down the nearly see through window shades which made me feel incredibly safe. I'm positive the broken shards wouldn't have made it through. Then they made the announcement for everyone to move away from the windows. Well I don't know if you've ever been there but moving away from the windows at a BWW's is like getting away from the water when you are in the middle of Lake Michigan. So, basically we were fucked if a really big wind came our way. Then to top it off the satellite dish went out and the game went off. But I have to say that the be all to end all was that the waitress service deteriorated into nothing during the whole ordeal. Here I am waiting to be thrown through the air like that cow in the movie, Twister with an empty 23oz. Beer glass in front of me. Do you think it possible the taps had to shut down due to the wind? I'm at a loss to explain it. I would think that getting as many full glasses out there in a potential tornado is win win for the restaurant. I can already hear them saying, "I'm sorry sir but we can't give you a free beer because the tornado knocked it down. That's an act of God."
Well as you can see, I survived the whole ordeal and did manage to have another beer or three.