...that I am gigantic jackass. On Wednesday, we had a pretty big snowstorm in the northern Chicago burbs. I think that totals ended up in the 12 plus inch range. To make matters worse, it came down really fast, probably 2 inches per hour. On Tuesday morning when I got to the train station, there was just a light dusting on the ground. When I got home around 2pm, there was easily 8 inches on the ground and not a fucking plow in sight.
As a result of said poor plowing and the fact that my Camry sucks in the snow, I ended up pulling out of my space about 2 feet and getting firmly caught in the deep snow. After about 10 minutes of swearing and trying to get the damn thing out, I got frustrated and started to hike home which is about 2.5 miles. As luck would have it, a co-worker picked me up after only about a mile. This was of course plenty enough time to completely fill my hood with snow and drench my jacket and gloves.
Well since I didn't have a ride back to the train station that evening or any motivation to go and dig it out for that matter, I left my piece of shit car at the train station overnight. The next morning, Cowboy picked me up on his way to the train. In anticipation of my big dig, I threw a broom and a shovel in his back seat. Due to the car's assinine position in the lot, the plows were unable to plow around the car very well. And as a result which you can see from the picture above, I was taking up about 6 prime parking places. To give you an idea of what an asshole I looked like, the blue car behind me is parked correctly in a legitimate space. To make the situation even worse, Cowboy and I were running late for our train. I ended up only having a few seconds to toss the shovel and broom in the back seat. And my car sat there like that until 3pm, over 24 hours from when I left it there initially. I am sure I was cursed many times that day.