Monday, March 07, 2005

Crazy Outfits

There is a woman who works in my office that I can only describe as a free thinker. She definitely marches to her own drum. Note: I have no problem with this and actually think that diversity is what makes the world go round. I will, however, point things out about it that make me laugh.

As part of this free thinking mentality, she dresses in unique and interesting ways. She doesn't do this every day, but when she does it always amuses me. Most of her outfits tend to be ethnic in nature, but some just border on the crazy. You'll get a glimpse into what I am talking about in the description of today's below. What make these outfits so amusing is that they look so out of place on her in general; she's a skinny white woman.

Today's outfit of choice is Chinese Waitress complete with print silk dress, matching shoes and chopsticks in her hair. I actually think she's got a couple of these ensembles, because I've seen her dressed in this manner before. Yet, I don't recognize this particular dress. There will be more of these I promise and some are much better than this one.

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