Hey Nice Beaver!
We had a fabulous time on the Carrotpenis road trip. On our way to New Jersey, we passed through scenic western Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is loaded with nice beaver. There's Beaver College, a town called Beaver, a county called Beaver and yes even a Beaver Township as you can see from the picture above. Just great Beaver everywhere.
While visiting Beaver Township, we stayed at the Days Inn and let me tell you it was a fucking dump. I am now extremely sorry that I didn't take a picture of it. The only thing it had going for it was that it wasn't in a bad neighborhood. Mrs. Carrotpenis had to take a sleeping pill in order to make it through the night. When you are traveling on the road you end up staying at random places, it's inevitable. However, you expect a certain level of service when you stay at a national chain like the Days Inn. This joint fell way short. This is the Days Inn in south Youngstown, PA. Avoid this piece of shit at all costs.
I always get a kick out of that.
In KY we have Big Bone Lick ...hehe
We don't have Beaver College anymore. It's now Arcadia University. The college kids couldn't access their grades on line because of all the porn blocking software!!
Oh and don't forget that we also have:
Intercourse, PA
Bird in Hand, PA
Blue Ball, PA
Paradise, PA
and so it goes on and on...
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