Aquanut Ski Show

I just noticed it has been over a week since I did that last pathetic post about Pat Robertson. Well I guess the two go hand in hand because Pat is just that, pathetic. But I digress. My only excuse for the lack of regular attention to the Chronicles is that life has gotten extremely crazy over the past couple weeks. The kids are back in school and with that begins a rash of related sports and activities. The Girl is playing soccer and taking tennis lessons; that covers Friday and Sunday. The boy is playing baseball and soccer and participating in Cub Scouts. That covers Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and every other Wednesday. I am also playing in a 12" softball league on the off Wednesdays. So, as you can see our nights and weekends are pretty booked.
To make matters even worse, Boy Friday has finally cut the cord and moved to another department. As such, I am quickly starting to realize just how valuable his services were to me. My "Fellow Co-Workers I Hate!" list has grown quickly over the past few days. He obviously played a great buffer to the stupidity around me. My inane request of week was to fit 7 new employees into a space where clearly only 5 will fit: my intial thought was to build some furniture out of FedEx boxes, but apparently the FedEx people aren't too thrilled about that. I actually secretly hoping that one of the new employees is a hot girl when I have to pick one of them to share my office with me.
Well enough bitching and complaining, here's a random sampling of what I've been up to over the past week or so...
- Two Fridays ago, we let The Girl have a sleep over party for her birthday. We limited it to a manageable group of 4 girls total. That said, 4 ten year olds can generate a decibel level that is just painful. They ended up staying up until 3:30 in the morning. I can think of 3 households that had a little bitch on their hands Saturday. We did what every smart parent does when they have a sleep deprived cranky ten year old girl; we sent her to grandma's house. That will teach to spoil the grand kids.
- On Sunday, The Boy and I went to the local skate park to roller blade. Nothing like 30 seconds there to tell you that you're never going to be Tony Hawk. I am still nursing a giant scab on my knee from where I took a digger coming off the smallest of ramps.
- Just last Saturday, we went to see the Aquanut Waterski Show in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin. It was a fantastic time. Nothing like cute girls in skimpy outfits around water, see the picture above. If you live in the Chicago area, I highly recommend it; great family fun. To make things even better, I got to see a one year old stuff a whole handful of dirt and ants into their mouth while his parents weren't watching. I thought the mom was going to have a heart attack in the aftermath.
- Then on Sunday, we made a return trip to Great America. It once again didn't disappoint in the people watching department. There were lots of prison tats, gold teeth and wife beater t-shirts. The winner of the day though was this huge woman is acid washed jeans. She had one leg of the jeans cut into Daisy Duke shorts and the other was left long with big giant holes cut up the length of the pant leg, very ghetto.
In honor of Simply Complicated, I'll throw out a hump day sex question, a two parter to boot...Have you ever had sex in public and where? Note: Rooster, I'm not looking for a laundry list here. Just one will do.
I had sex in a dugout of an old little league field where my high school bf and I used to make out...since I was too virginal to have sex with him then...I waited until I was 22 and home for the summer. We were then cited by the police for trespassing.
Another time I was having sex in my mom's back yard and my mom walked right past us to turn off the pool filter. I went inside later to apologize and she was totally oblivious until I confessed.
Oh, and to answer your question:
Henderson South (I think it was an engineering classroom) on Penn State's campus.
Hi - it is a former co-worker. Does having sex in a car count as being outside? If so, there are way too many tyrsts to post here, or even remember.......
These count - On the pitchers mound of my college baseball field, at a state park under the moon beam.. the list goes on and on
what constitutes public?
and damn that girl is hot
oh and make sure you son says in Scouting , he will thank you when it's all said an d done
Public a place outside you home where others could potentially see you.
Okay, I will limit myself to one. I have chosen ... on a beach downtown. (Not an obscure out of the way beach either!)
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