Rooster and I saw this joker a few skyboxes away at the Bulls game last night and couldn't resist getting a pic. He was trying to emulate Diedrich Bader's Rex Kwon Do character from Napoleon Dynamite. When Rooster went to get his picture he kept saying "How would you like a round house kick to the head from someone wearing these pants?" What a jackass!
Now I think that Napoleon Dynamite is a hilarious movie. And who can't resist a good tater tot every once in a while, love the tots. But I think when you start using it as a metrosexual fashion trend, things have just gone too far. The whole Zubaz pants thing was an embarrassment to American culture anyway; let's just let them die a quiet death.
Note: I love that this guy thinks that Rooster is taking this picture because she thinks he's cool; when we just wanted the picture to show what a gigantic doof he is.
I hope you gave him the URL... lol.
Looks like a case of DWI (Dressing Without Instructions)..lol
Did you happen to get that guy's telephone number? I would like to see those pants on my bedroom floor!
I think those pants should be flying from a flag pole, and only at half staff...
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