Stupid Dog

About a year ago, the Wife, the Girl and the Boy started doing the full court press on me about getting a dog. Previous to this my primary opposition to getting one was that we simply weren't home enough to take care of it. However, about this time last year, the Wife's job situation changed and she started working part time. This made my opposition to dog moot and opened door for leveraged negotiation. I finally relented after about a month of a very one sided deliberation. And in July we got what I often refer to as "Stupid Dog"! Here's a little background on the dog.
After doing extensive research on breeds, the Wife convinced me that getting one of the newer designer cross breeds would be the way to go. The theory is that by cross breeding purebred dogs of different breeds you get the best of both breeds without the negative genetic predispositions. This I have discovered is a bunch of bullshit.
The particular breed that we decided upon was a Puggle. No, it's not a cross between a Pug and Poodle. That would be a Poogle. This is a cross between a Pug and Beagle. Well, as I indicated above, the cross breeding of these dogs is suppose to work some of the bad traits of these animals out of their breeds. In fact, I think we got quite the opposite.
This one is the worst of both breeds. Pugs are needy psychotic lap dogs. This dog is not only needy and psychotic, but it's also much bigger than a pug. How would you like a 25 pound yappy dog sitting on your lap while you are trying to type on the computer. Beagles like to run away. If this thing sees the slightest opening of a door, he makes a break for daylight. And let me tell you if we didn't already have about $2000 invested in this fucking thing, I'd open up the front door and let it go on its merry way. Beagles like to howl and bark. This thing barks at the drop of a hat. It especially likes to do it at 3 or 4 in the morning when it hears the house creak. Pugs are very particular about the way they like things. This one doesn't like to get it's feet wet. How the hell are you supposed to take a dog out in the rain to crap if it won't get it's feet wet. I can tell you it's a battle of the wills. Beagles like to dig. While this one hasn't been tested out yet, but I am guessing he can dig a hole to China if any of these precursors are indicative.
Well I could go on and on about the thing that drive me nuts about the dog, but I will leave that for another day. There is one good thing about the dog though. It antagonizes the shit out of the cat which I dislike even more than the dog.
Looks like a cutie to me.
Much cuter than a pug!
The only time I wake up at 3am is for sex!
Is the cat feeble?
What is the over/under for the number of months the cat survives?
Are you going to post a photo of your pussy cat?
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