Monday, February 27, 2006

Vegas Recap!

Well since I didn't dive right in and do a post about this the moment I got back, I am guessing you already knew that my Vegas trip was pretty tame. Here are some random highlights anyway...
  • Probably the highlight of the trip, and this is pretty sad, was watching this prostitute and her 300lb 60 year old Asian John playing roulette. She had to have won $10,000 just in the few minutes that I was standing there. She then was nice enough to do this jump up and down dance much to the delight of onlookers, myself included, throughout the casino.
  • Discovered that Lions are probably the laziest fucking animals ever. The MGM has this glassed in lion display. No matter what time of the day or night that you wandered past the enclosure those damn things were sleeping with the nuts hanging out all over the place. You'd think they could train them to eat Siegfried or something fun like that.
  • Discovered that having boobs is directly proportional to the view of your hotel room. Me with no tits, worth mentioning at least, gets a fantastic view of the back alley. Boobed members of our entourage get a fantastic view of the strip. Go figure.
  • Saw a man child on all fours bark like a dog for drinks at Coyote Ugly just to have some ugly bitch pour peach schnaaps down his throats; damn I miss those days.
  • Discovered that in Vegas it's perfectly acceptable to smoke a cigarette and drink Bud Light from a can at 6:30 in the morning while waiting for your Egg McFucking Muffin in line at Mickey D's. It certainly made my Egg McFucking Muffin all the more delicious, let me tell you.
  • A final highlight of my little trip was winning back just about all that I lost the previous two nights by playing three hands of blackjack instead of going to my 8 o'clock meeting on time. Let me save face with The Wife by not having to tell her I lost a bundle.

Well gotta run, we're still sprucing up the trailer so we can move into that double wide. There's a paint brush a callin.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I'm in Vegas for the next two days on a boondoggle. I mean business trip. So far it has been fairly tame. I am with the most boring group possible which probably explains it. I am by far the youngest person in the group and one of only two males. The group's idea of a wild evening is a glass of wine at dinner. Hard to have anything stay in Vegas with this pack of nerds. I may need to break away from the herd tonight. I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

Remember ladies, nothing says Happy Valentine's Day like a good blow job! As you know, chcolates are always nice, but the definite sure bet is a "Step up to the Mike". The man in your life will certainly enjoy it. And Guys be sure to reciprocate the favor.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 10, 2006

The New Look

I'm not sure what I think about the new look, but I know I was tired of the old one. Since I am literally an html idiot, I was forced to suck at the teet of other's kindness. Thanks to for the template. It is greatly appreciated.

Everyone have a great weekend. I will be attending an International Festival of Beer Party where I am designated to bring a beer and side dish from Greece. After an internet search, I discovered that Greece makes about one fucking beer. Why couldn't I get somewhere like England where you get a couple hundred to choose from? I'm bringing my camera so hopefully we'll have some images of drunken housewives kissing to show you next week.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Just overheard at my desk....

I am sitting at my desk minding my own business when I overhear these two women having a conversation over the a box of Whitman Sampler candy just outside my door. One says to the other..."I don't like when you put one in your mouth and squishy stuff gets all over." My instant thought was that a blow job is pretty much out of the questions then. Gotta love when you take things out of context.

Friday, February 03, 2006

You Know "The List"

I swear I did a post about this previously, but I can't for the life of me find it right now. If anyone sees it in the archives, please let me know. I am writing to inform all of you that I am making a official change to The List. You know The List. The list of people that my wife would have to let me sleep with if the opportunity presented itself, no questions asked. I actually think that my wife may be willing to have a threesome with this person, she's so beautful. But I digress.

Not being a professional wrestling fan, this person was a new one to me. No, you jackasses, it's not Chyna. I'm talking about Stacy Kiebler. She is currently participating in Dancing with the Stars on ABC. I don't know if you've ever given the show a chance yet or not, but highly suggest that you do. If only for one reason, Stacy Kiebler has one of the most fantastic bodies ever and dances in these extremely revealing outfits. What she can do with her long legs is just amazing. So, for the record, here's the updated list in no paticular order...

1. Stacy Kiebler (see above)
2. Jennifer Love Hewitt (Doe brown eyes and a great body)
3. Kelly Monaco (another Dances with the Star participant; do you sense a theme?)
4. Eva Longoria (all around beautiful)
5. Melissa McGurren* (Chicago radio personality; very cute; extremely sexy voice)

To add Stacy, I am going to remove Jennifer Aniston. She just hasn't done it for me since she became a big enough star to stop showing off her nipples on Friends.

*- I believe that it's important to have someone on your list that there is at least a remote possibility that you could run into them on the street.

Master- This would definitely be a good hottie of the week. That Doctor Quinn lady while beautiful doesn't have anything on Stacy.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Google Stalking

Has anyone ever noticed that when you do a little Google stalking for say an old girlfriend or signifcant other, you rarely find anything good about them. By good I mean that I'm always hoping the've turned into some sort of degenerative freak. You know like a good amateur porn lesbian stripper with their own web site. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Here's where I'm going with this one. For whatever reason, the name of an old female acquaintance popped into my head yesterday. Actually it was this crazy girl that both me and my friend Fuckin Buck dated. Well a quick Google search and boom bada bing, you know actually what the person is up to. My initial hope was that she turned into a Goth, got a bunch of tatoos, and was working at a club as DJ. No such luck there, she's now a motiviational speaker for corporate events. I have no idea what she could actually motivate people to do except to run away from her. Then after a quick search on her married name, I found this lovely religious testimony about how she came to believe in Jesus with a picture and all. As an aside, I will have to admit that she's aging quite gracefully. And if she did something about that gigantic can of hers I'd even say attractive. But motivational speaker and bible banger, two things I wouldn't have pegged on this one in a million years.

So, anyone out there have a good amateur porn lesbian stripper stalking story to share. Rooster, I'm sure that one of your friends is running a porn site now. Please do tell.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Made my Day

Haven't posted from my crackberry on a drive to work in while but can't let this one pass.

I just saw an overweight black man dressed in a Statue of Liberty outfit hawking for a tax preparation joint. That is quite a a sight at 7:30 am let me tell you. I nearly drove off the road it was so funny. I have to tell you my day is going to be all down hill from here. I will be sure to bring the digital next time for a picture.