Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Suggestion Box is Back!!!

After a very long hiatus, my place of corporate drudgery has decided to reinstate the fabulously inane, on-line, anonymous "Suggestion Box". If you are a long time reader, you will remember that the suggestion box is great fodder for blog post material. The primary reason is that many of the employees here confuse the suggestion box with a sounding board for them to bitch about the petty things that they think are important. The great Capri Pants Debate of 2005 and the Burnt Popcorn Scandal of 2006 are two prime examples.

If you aren't familiar with the suggestion box saga, search through the archives and have a look. It's great stuff I promise. It always amazes me how people will confuse their place of work and their co-workers with their homes, subservient spouses and disobedient children. Well if that didn't happen, I'd have one less thing to write about. Please note that I am almost giddy with anticipation for the for the first idiotic idea to be submitted. My bet is that it will happen in the next week.


Melina said...

ooh I can't wait!

PS. I wonder how anonymous it is...I'm sure they can figure out exactly which computer is posting the message. Silly co-workers.

Anonymous said...

Carrotpenis, when is the next gathering? It's been too long since the last one. I'm trying to talk Mrs. Fresh into having a Memorial Day swaree' - we'll see!