The Mick and I saw some jackass wearing this t-shirt and had a good laugh about it. The jackass actually had a semi-attractive girl with him and she had a big smile on her face. I'm guessing she's no quitter. I'm also sure that her parents are real glad that her boyfriend wears that shirt too.
But this brings up a good point. Are spitters quitters? I am going to contend that they're not. Now everyone likes a big finish, I sure do. But if a girl is willing to "Step Up to the Mike" and hit that high note what she does after is her business. Anyone have an opinion on the subject? I'm sure that you probably do.
Spitters of what?
Are you going to chit-chat via the blog....ever?!?
As long as she doesn't spit it into a ziplock container and freeze it and use it to impregnate herself and then sue me for child support, I'm cool with whatever.
As someone who likes to wait for the "big finish" I don't think that spitting is a completely horrible thing. I don't, but that's a personal preference. You just gotta go with what works for you.
Spitters aren't quitters. They still got the job done, right?
ah an age old question that the Drunken Master must take some additional time to ponder
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