Thursday, May 01, 2008

When is a Date a Date?

Clearly I am going to have a start a list. Let's call this one New Single Guy Learning Experience #2. Just to recap...If you recall #1 was don't date two girls and be seen on television with one of them.

Okay, #2 is when you are recently single guy and you ask a single girl out for drinks as friends, there is the distinct possiblity that she may think it's a date. This has happened to me on not one but two separate occasions. The first time, met random female aquaintance on train and had a nice conversation. We exchanged a few funny emails. One night I was bored and shot her and email asking her if she'd be interested in meeting me for a drink. To date, there was no discussion of dating, I assumed it was two casual friends going out for a drink. Apparently, I was wrong because I was informed later that it was a considered date.

Situation two, a divorced soccer mom from my team has agreed to cover for me while I am out of town this weekend. She's never coached soccer before and clearly had a lot of questions about what to do. I offered to meet her for a drink last night to go over any questions she had. Someone told me that it was probably going on a date. I said "No way, we are just talking about soccer." Well once again, I was wrong it was a date. What tipped me off? We had cocktails and sat for easily an hour talking with not one mention of soccer. The whole evening lasted nearly four hours and soccer talk consisted of about 5 minutes of that time period.

Ladies, can you give me some guidance here? When is just drinks, just drinks? And when is just drinks, a DATE? Is there some code word I need to use to make it go one way or another? Or do I just need to throw it out there. Don't get me wrong both times I had a really nice time. I am just confused about what constitutes a date and what doesn't.


Ed said...

You've got your dates and your Dates.

Your soccer example is a date. Lower-case d. Could go either way, but if there's not chemistry, it's just a soccer meeting.

The other one sounds like it qualifies for a capital D. C'mon, you had to know on that one... I mean, you do remember "When Harry Met Sally" right?

Anyway, if ask me, the stealth dates are the way to go. No pressure, no over-analyzing, no need for outright rejection, and everyone's guard is down.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ROFL! Hint: If you meet a guy fro drinks, it's having drinks. If you meet a woman for drinks, it's a date. Especially if said woman is single, semi-divorced, or hell, even if she's married. Next time, be straight up and let them know you just want to meet as friends. Otherwise, you'll be having lots of casual dates.

Melina said...

It would be a dick move to constantly tell women, "This is not a date, I just want to meet up and tell you about (in this case) soccer". Instead, if you don't have any interest in the person, just tell them to call you if they have any questions. Then it's definitely not a date!