Friday, May 13, 2005

Softball Season

I don't think that I've mentioned this yet but I am playing on a 14" co-ed recreational corporate softball league. For those of you not from Chicago, normal softball is played with a fairly hard 12" ball. In the Chicago area, they also play two other versions. There's 16" where you play with a much larger mushy ball and no one wears a glove. And the league that I am playing in that uses a slightly less mushy 14" ball where the women get to wear gloves and and guys don't. It's a lot of fun and there's always drinks afterwards. I'm hoping that softball antics will be a regular part of the blog once things get rolling and the weather gets nicer. It was in the 40's for our second game of the season, burr!

Well we just had our second game of the season last night and things are not looking good. We lost 11-12 to a team with only 8 players; you can and we did play 10. How the fuck can you lose to a team only playing two people in the outfield is just beyond me. I guess when just about everybody gets hurt in one way or another and you make countless errors on defense anything's possible. Lesson to team, you're not 18 anymore, make sure you stretch before the game.

Oh yeah, Asshole Lawyer and Rooster, thanks for showing up and being team players. Rooster, I'm sorry but Bulimia is not an excuse to leave work sick. Just purge your lunch and move on. Asshole Lawyer, I hope that you enjoyed spending that one night this week with your family.


Anonymous said...

P.S: It helps to throw the ball out, not up!!!

Anonymous said...

How about asshole lawyer does some work during the day? That way he could go home to his family at night!