Monday, May 23, 2005

100 Things About Me!

For awhile I've been putting off putting up a 100 Things About Me list, because I thought they were sort of queer (for clarification in an stupid way, not in a gay way). Then I realized I was addicted to reading them on other blogs so I thought I'd give one a shot.

1. I am married.
2. I have two kids.
3. The Girl is almost ten.
4. The Boy is almost seven.
5. Boy am I getting fucking old.
6. We have a dog that annoys the shit out of me.
7. But I like our cat even less.
8. We live in a suburb north of Chicago.
9. I am rapidly going gray.
10. I blame it on 1-7.
11. I'd like to lose 10 pounds
12. Okay, 20 pounds
13. I normally drink straight liquor on the rocks.
14. Scotch used to be my favorite.
15. But now I like Bourbon
16. Basil Hayden's is my preference of late.
17. My eyes are a bright blue color.
18. I am addicted to my Blackberry and ofter refer to is as the Crackberry.
19. If I am watching TV, everything else in the room ceases to exist.
20. It drives my wife nuts.
21. I attended Penn State University, but did not graduate from there.
22. I tell people that I honed my social skills while I was there.
23. I love Penn State Football.
24. And I think that Joe Paterno can die on the field if he wants to.
25. I was in a fraternity.
26. I learned a lot of good things there.
27. And learned a lot from the the bad things.
28. I have a tatoo on my ankle.
29. My left ear looks like it's pierced.
30. But I haven't had an earring in it for over 10 years.
31. I have very few friends I consider close.
32. Yet, I have many casual friends.
33. I finished up my degree going to night school at Domican University in River Forest, IL.
34. I like power boating.
35. And go wakeboarding whenever I can.
36. I think belly button piercings are hot.
37. I think nose piercings are even hotter.
38. I see nothing wrong with a woman's nipples poking through her shirt.
39. In fact, I like it.
40. I am very organized at work.
41. But very disorganized at home.
42. This too, drives my wife crazy.
43. I prefer to take the train to work.
44. I detest driving there.
45. I am much crabbier at home and work if I am driving.
46. I am very intolerant of stupid people.
47. I have a hard time not lettting them know this.
48. I deal with a lot of stupid people at work; you do the math.
49. I am embarrassed for women that take their clothes off for a living.
50. I excel at games where you can hold a beer in your hand while playing.
51. Quoits is my best.
52. Darts and shuffleboard are a close second.
53. I believe in God.
54. But hate when other people try to get me to believe in theirs.
55. People that don't know me can think that I am conceited.
56. That's mostly not true.
57. I procrastinate whenever possible.
58. I've discovered that in corporate America this isn't always a bad thing.
59. Corn Nuts give me horrible gas.
60. I am forbidden to eat them.
61. I grew up in a really small town in New Jersey.
62. I worked as a bartender at three different Chi-Chi's restaurants.
63. Working in restaurants prepared me to work in corporate America a lot more than I thought.
64. I can hold a conversation with just about anyone on any subject for at least a few minutes.
65. I am pretty good at crossword puzzles.
66. And can play a mean game of Trivial Pursuit
67. I attribute all three to reading anything I could lay my hands on as a child
68. I am horrible dancer with little to no rhythm.
69. When I go out with my friends, my wife instructs them not to let me dance under penalty of death.
70. The point where I will do karaoke and the point where I will pass out from drinking are roughly the same.
71. I love going to Wrigley to watch the Cubs.
72. Regardless of how bad they are.
73. I enjoy watching movies.
74. But rarely go to see them at the theatre.
75. I have an unexplainable hatred for Celine Dion.
76. Just looking at her makes my skin crawl.
77. I quit smoking a few years ago.
78. But still love to catch one on the sly once in awhile.
79. I make concrete judgements about people a few seconds after I meet someone.
80. I am rarely wrong about them.
81. I think that Tivo is a fantastic invention.
82. I rarely watch live TV now.
83. This saves me hours and hours of time each week.
84. I like to read novels.
85. But only do so sporadically.
86. Right now, I prefer books about business.
87. My wife and I met at Penn State.
88. At a bar called Zeno's.
89. My original date for the evening spilled beer on her.
90. We tell our kids it was a restaurant and there's no mention of a beer spill in our story.
91. It sounds much more romantic that way.
92. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor.
93. Not everyone appreciates it.
94. I don't care all that much.
95. I enjoy traveling for both work and pleasure.
96. But rarely do either.
97. I love spending time with my kids.
98. But often need to go back to work to rest from it.
99. My last name sounds like Carrotpenis!
100. I used to hate it but now I think it's kinda funny.


Jumperless said...

Great list. I'm getting tired of driving too and am addicted to TiVo.

Anonymous said...

Why number 49?

a) because you 'feed the g-string?'

b) they make way more $$ than you?

c) you have always wanted to be the girl on stage?

d) they stole your best pole dancing move(s)?

Anonymous said...


God, but not the Pope?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Great list. If I were to make one 79, 80 and 92 would be on it. Enjoyed your blog =)

carrotpenis said...

MM, my children may try to debate you on that last statement.

Gel said...

This orange veggie blog stood out, or should I say "UP!!!" while I was surfing via Blog Explosion. I cannot wait to tell my husband and show your uh, pic.

My teen daughters are going to rib me. They think I have a knack for finding this on the web. Really, I"m a voracious reader!

I have an orange photo up on my current post, but it's not a vegetable... I'm an artist, but no life drawings (nudes) are up yet. This is PG. BTW, enjoyed reading your 100 list. Take care